Monday, July 26, 2010

U.S. Military Understands Climate Change and Peak Oil

Here are some compelling arguments to address peak oil and climate change:

TreeHugger reports on 4/14/10 "US Military: Massive Oil Shortages as Soon as 2015"

Quoting from TreeHugger: "The US military has warned that surplus oil production capacity could disappear within two years and there could be serious shortages by 2015 with a significant economic and political impact ... the cost of crude is predicted to soon top $100 a barrel."

Reuters has the EIA report article.

Environmental News Service has a CNA assessment article about a military panel coming to the same conclusion.

TreeHugger also reports on 2/1/10 "Pentagon Calls Climate Change a Destabilizing Political Force"

Quadrennial Defense Review

Quoting from TreeHugger: Regarding the first, the report says that "climate-related changes are already being observed in every region of the world, including the United States and its coastal waters."

Heavier downpours, rising sea levels, retreating glaciers, thawing permafrost, longer growing seasons and ice-free seasons are all listed as presently occurring. These will have "significant geopolitical impacts around the world, contributing to poverty, environmental degradation, and further weakening of fragile governments."

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